5 things you should keep in your fridge for breakfast

You do have time for this! Don't trade your breakfast for 10 minutes of sleep or scroll through social media. Instead, make sure you have these five essentials waiting for you in the morning.

5 things you should keep in your fridge for breakfast

You do have time for this! Don't trade your breakfast for 10 minutes of sleep or scroll through social media. Instead, make sure you have these five essentials waiting for you in the morning.

What’s for breakfast?


This product contains vitamins E, A, D, group B, as well as phosphorus, iron and sulfur. Egg yolk has everything you need, so you can eat any kind of eggs in the morning. If you have high acidity - prepare the fried eggs, and if low, then boil the eggs.


Oatmeal is a popular breakfast. It can be consumed by people with any digestion. Oatmeal has vitamins B, A, E, and many trace elements. Some people don 't like it. To correct the situation, add to porridge jam, dried fruits (can be used and fresh), nuts and muesli. Use honey instead of sugar.


Not all fruits are good for breakfast. For example, those that have a lot of fiber are hard to digest. You can take non-sour apples and bake them by adding dried fruits, nuts, cottage cheese, and honey. Bananas are also suitable - they have a lot of calories, which is important for breakfast. Another plus is that they optimize digestion.

Cottage cheese

Dairy products can be recommended to people who have no digestive problems. The fact is that all kinds of bacteria multiply during storage of cottage cheese, and it may well cause an upset stomach. Therefore, be careful with all kinds of cottage cheese products, сream cheeses and ready-made casseroles - in these products there is an abundance of sugar, and they also contain preservatives. On the other hand, natural cottage cheese without preservatives, of course, is useful, due to the presence in it of a significant amount of protein, B vitamins and trace elements. Finally, it is very tasty, especially if you add honey, berries and fruits.


The sandwich as a sandwich does. There are healthy sandwiches made with diet bread, vegetables, hard cheese and lean meats. At the same time, many people like sandwiches with sausage, butter and mayonnaise. At the same time, they eat them a few pieces in the morning, at lunch, and even in the evening. These sandwiches are definitely of little use - in the products from which they are prepared, there are a lot of preservatives, many calories, they are difficult to digest. Therefore, if you like this type of food, then prepare sandwiches with fresh products, then breakfast will be both tasty and healthy.


You can drink almost everything for breakfast except soda and instant coffee. If you get carried away with these two drinks on an empty stomach, then digestive problems are guaranteed - including gastritis or even an ulcer. Therefore, drink tea, juice (if possible freshly squeezed or with a minimum of sugar), or natural coffee. As for tea, the best option for breakfast is green tea, it has more caffeine than coffee, plus trace elements and antioxidants.

Your new day begins with breakfast, and it also depends on it whether it will become successful. Approach this question responsibly, especially since all of the above is prepared simply and quickly.




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